Lang IRS Notice Number Description Topic
English CP01 We received the information that you provided and have verified your claim of identity theft. We have placed an identity theft indicator on your account. Identity Theft
English CP01A This notice tells you about the Identity Protection Personal Identification Number (IP PIN) we sent you. Identity Theft
English CP01B This notice tells you the IRS needs more information from you to process your tax return accurately. Identity Theft
English CP01C This CP01C notice is issued to taxpayers who are not currently impacted by tax-related identity theft to acknowledge receipt of standard identity theft documentation and to inform them their account has been marked with an identity theft indicator. Identity Theft
English CP01H You received a CP 01H notice because we were unable to process your tax return. The IRS has locked your account because the Social Security Administration informed us that the Social Security number (SSN) of the primary or secondary taxpayer on the return belongs to someone who was deceased prior to the tax year shown on the tax form. SSN
English CP01S We received your Form 14039 or similar statement for your identity theft claim. If you are due a refund, we’ll issue it or contact you when we finish processing your case or if we need additional information. Identity Theft
English CP02H You owe a balance due as a result of amending your tax return to show receipt of a grant received as a result of Hurricane Katrina, Rita or Wilma. Balance Due
English CP03C You received a tax credit (called the First-Time Homebuyer Credit) for a house you purchased. You may need to file a form to report a change in ownership to the house you purchased. Credit
English CP04 Our records show that you or your spouse served in a combat zone, a qualified contingency operation, or a hazardous duty station during the tax year specified on your notice. As a result, you may be eligible for tax deferment. Combat Zone
English CP05 We sent you this notice because we’re reviewing your tax return to verify income, deductions, credits, etc. We’re holding your refund until we finish our review. Verification
English CP05A We are examining your return and we need documentation. Verification
English CP05B We issue a CP05B notice when the IRS receives a tax return that shows a refund amount and we can’t determine if the income reported on the tax return matches the income reported to us by payers. The IRS is holding your refund until we receive the additional information we requested from you to determine if the income is correct before we can release your refund. Refund
English CP06 We’re auditing your tax return and need documentation from you to verify the Premium Tax Credit (PTC) that you claimed. We are holding all or part of your refund, pending the result of this audit, because of this discrepancy with your PTC. ACA
English CP06A We’re auditing your tax return and need documentation from you to verify the Premium Tax Credit (PTC) that you claimed. ACA
English CP07 We received your tax return and are holding your refund until we complete a more thorough review of the benefits you claimed under a treaty and/or the deductions claimed on Schedule A. Deductions
English CP08 You may qualify for the Additional Child Tax Credit and be entitled to some additional money. Additional Child Tax Credit
English CP09 We’ve sent you this notice because our records indicate you may be eligible for the Earned Income Credit (EIC), but didn’t claim it on your tax return. EIC
English CP10 We made a change(s) to your return because we believe there’s a miscalculation. This change(s) affected the estimated tax payment you wanted applied to your taxes for next year. Change To Your Estimated Tax Credit Amount
English CP10A We made a change(s) to your return because we believe there’s a miscalculation involving your Earned Income Credit. This change(s) affected the estimated tax payment you wanted applied to your taxes for next year. Change To Your Estimated Tax Credit Amount
English CP11 We made changes to your return because we believe there’s a miscalculation. You owe money on your taxes as a result of these changes. Balance Due
English LT11 We haven’t received any payment from you for your overdue taxes. This letter is to advise you of our intent to seize your property or rights to property. You must contact us immediately. Levy
English CP11A We made changes to your return because we believe there’s a miscalculation involving your Earned Income Credit. You owe money on your taxes as a result of these changes. Balance Due
English CP11M We made changes to your return involving the Making Work Pay and Government Retiree Credit. You owe money on your taxes as a result of these changes. Balance Due
English CP12 We made changes to correct a miscalculation on your return. Return Error
English CP12A We made changes to correct the Earned Income Credit (EIC) claimed on your tax return. EIC
English CP12E or CP12F We made changes to correct a miscalculation on your return. Return Error
English CP12M We made changes to the computation of the Making Work Pay and/or Government Retiree Credits on your return. Return Error
English CP12R We made changes to the computation of the Rebate Recovery Credit on your return. Return Error
English CP13 We made changes to your return because we believe there’s a miscalculation. You’re not due a refund nor do you owe an additional amount because of our changes. Your account balance is zero. Zero Balance
English CP13A We made changes to your return because we found an error involving your Earned Income Credit. You’re not due a refund nor do you owe an additional amount because of our changes. Your account balance is zero. Zero Balance
English CP13M We made changes to your return involving the Making Work Pay credit or the Government Retiree Credit. You’re not due a refund nor do you owe an additional amount because of our changes. Your account balance is zero. Zero Balance
English CP13R We made changes to your return involving the Recovery Rebate Credit. You’re not due a refund nor do you owe an additional amount because of our changes. Your account balance is zero. Zero Balance
English CP14 We sent you this notice because you owe money on unpaid taxes. Balance Due
English CP14 A/B/C/D/E Notice We sent you this notice because you owe money on unpaid taxes. Balance Due
English LT14 We show you have past due taxes and we’ve been unable to reach you. Call us immediately. Balance Due
English CP14H We sent you this notice because you owe money on an unpaid shared responsibility payment. ACA
English CP14I You owe taxes and penalties because you didn’t take out the minimum amount you had to from your traditional individual retirement arrangement (IRA). Or, you put into a tax-sheltered account more than you can legally. IRA
English CP15B We charged you a Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (TFRP) for not paying employment or excise taxes. Penalty
English CP15H Your shared responsibility payment (SRP) assessment is due to a recalculation based on changes to your income tax liability. Your examination results are addressed in a separate correspondence. ACA
English CP16 We sent you this notice to tell you about changes we made to your return that affect your refund. We made these changes because we believe there was a miscalculation. Our records show you owe other tax debts and we applied all or part of your refund to them. Refund
English LT16 We may take enforcement action to collect taxes you owe because you have not responded to previous notices we sent you on this matter. We need to hear from you about your overdue taxes or tax returns. Balance Due
English CP18 We believe you incorrectly claimed one or more deductions or credits. As a result, your refund is less than you expected. Refund
English LT18 We have not received a response from you to our previous requests for overdue tax returns. Balance Due
English CP19 We have increased the amount of tax you owe because we believe you incorrectly claimed one or more deductions or credits. Deductions
English CP20 We believe you incorrectly claimed one or more deductions or credits. As a result, your refund is less than you expected. Deductions
English CP21A We made the change(s) you requested to your tax return for the tax year specified on the notice. You owe money on your taxes as a result of the change(s). Balance Due
English CP21B We made the change(s) you requested to your tax return for the tax year specified on the notice. You should receive your refund within 2-3 weeks of your notice. Refund
English CP21C We made the change(s) you requested to your tax return for the tax year specified on the notice. You’re not due a refund nor do you owe any additional amount. Your account balance for this tax form and tax year is zero. Even Balance
English CP21E As a result of your recent audit, we made changes to your tax return for the tax year specified on the notice. You owe money on your taxes as a result of these changes. Balance Due
English CP21H We made the changes you requested to your tax return for the tax year on the notice, which also changed your shared responsibility payment. Balance Due
English CP21I We made changes to your tax return for the tax year specified on the notice for Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) taxes. You owe money on your taxes as a result of these changes. Balance Due
English CP22A We made the change(s) you requested to your tax return for the tax year specified on the notice. You owe money on your taxes as a result of the change(s). Balance Due
English CP22E As a result of your recent audit, we made changes to your tax return for the tax year specified on the notice. You owe money on your taxes as a result of these changes. Balance Due
English CP22H We made the changes you requested to your tax return for the tax year on the notice, which also changed your shared responsibility payment. Balance Due
English CP22I We made changes to your tax return for the tax year specified on the notice for Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) taxes. You owe money on your taxes as a result of these changes. Balance Due
English CP23 We made changes to your return because we found a difference between the amount of estimated tax payments on your tax return and the amount we posted to your account. You have a balance due because of these changes. Balance Due
English CP24 We made changes to your return because we found a difference between the amount of estimated tax payments on your tax return and the amount we posted to your account. You have a potential overpayment credit because of these changes. Refund
English LT24 We received your IRS payment plan proposal to pay the tax you owe; however, we need more information about your financial situation. Balance Due
English CP24E We made changes to your return because we found a difference between the amount of estimated tax payments on your tax return and the amount we posted to your account. You have a potential overpayment credit because of these changes. Refund
English CP25 We made changes to your return because we found a difference between the amount of estimated tax payments on your tax return and the amount we posted to your account. You’re not due a refund nor do you owe an additional amount because of our changes. Your account balance is zero. Zero Balance
English LT26 You were previously asked information regarding the filing of your tax return for a specific tax period. Information Request
English CP27 We’ve sent you this notice because our records indicate you may be eligible for the Earned Income Credit (EIC), but didn’t claim it on your tax return. EIC
English LT27 For us to consider an installment agreement for your overdue taxes, you must complete Form 433F, Collection Information Statement. Installment Agreement
English CP30 We charged you a penalty for not pre-paying enough of your tax either by having taxes withheld from your income, or by making timely estimated tax payments. Penalty
English CP30A We reduced or removed the penalty for underpayment of estimated tax reported on your tax return. Penalty
English CP32 We sent you a replacement refund check. Refund
English CP32A Call us to request your refund check. Refund
English LT33 We received your payment; however, there’s still an outstanding balance. Balance Due
English CP39 We used a refund from your spouse or former spouse to pay your past due tax debt. You may still owe money. Balance Due
English LT39 We’re required by law to remind you in writing about your overdue tax. Balance Due
English LT40 We’re trying to collect unpaid taxes from you. In order to do so, we may contact others to get or verify your contact information. Balance Due
English LT41 We’re trying to collect unfiled returns from you. In order to do so, we may contact others to get or verify your contact information. Balance Due
English CP42 The amount of your refund has changed because we used it to pay your spouse’s past due tax debt. Refund
English CP44 There is a delay processing your refund because you may owe other federal taxes. Balance Due
English CP45 We were unable to apply your overpayment to your estimated tax as you requested. Overpayment
English LP47 We are requesting your assistance in locating a taxpayer that may or may not be currently employed by you. Address Update
English CP49 We sent you this notice to tell you we used all or part of your refund to pay an IRS debt. Overpayment
English CP51A We computed the tax on your Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ. You owe taxes. Balance Due
English CP51B We computed the tax on your Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ. You owe taxes. Balance Due
English CP51C We computed the tax on your Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ. You owe taxes. Balance Due
English CP52 We are informing the taxpayer a correction has been made to self-employment taxes claimed on Schedule SE, Form 1040. Self-Employment Tax
English CP53 We can’t provide your refund through direct deposit, so we’re sending you a refund check by mail. Direct Deposit
English CP53A We tried to direct deposit your refund, but the financial institution couldn’t process it.  We are researching your account, but it will take 8 to 10 weeks to reissue your refund. Direct Deposit
English CP53B We tried to direct deposit your refund, but the financial institution couldn’t process it. We are researching your account, but it will take 8 to 10 weeks to complete our review and verify this refund. Direct Deposit
English CP53C We tried to direct deposit your refund, but the financial institution couldn’t process it. When refund payments are questionable, we review related returns to ensure the return is valid. We are researching your account, but it will take 8 to 10 weeks to complete our review and verify this refund. Direct Deposit
English CP53D We can’t direct deposit your refund because we limit the number of direct deposit refunds to the same bank account or on the same pre-paid debit card. Direct Deposit
English CP54B Your tax return shows a different name and/or ID number from the information we have for your account. Please provide more information to us in order to receive your refund. Name/SSN
English CP54E Your tax return shows a different name and/or ID number from the information we have for your account. Please provide the requested information. Name/SSN
English CP54G Your tax return shows a different name and/or ID number from the information we have for your account. Please provide the requested information. Name/SSN
English CP54Q Your tax return shows a different name and/or ID number from the information we have on file for you or from the information from the Social Security Administration (SSA).We previously sent you a notice asking you to provide us some updated information. We still haven’t received a response from you. Name/SSN
English CP57 We send a CP 57 to inform the recipient that we’re assessing a penalty for insufficient funds on their account. Penalty
English CP59 We sent you this notice because we have no record that you filed your prior personal tax return or returns. Filing
English LP59 We previously sent you a notice of levy to collect money from the taxpayer named in the notice, but received no response, or an explanation of why you haven’t sent it. Levy
English CP60 We removed a payment erroneously applied to your account. Payment
English LP61 We need information about a taxpayer to assist us in resolving a federal tax matter. Taxpayer Info Request
English CP62 We applied a payment to your account. Payment
English LP62 We need information about a taxpayer to assist us in resolving a federal tax matter. We are asking for your help because we believe this person has an account with you. Taxpayer Info Request
English CP63 We are holding your refund because you have not filed one or more tax returns and we believe you will owe tax. Refund
English LP64 We are requesting your assistance in trying to locate a taxpayer that you may or may not know. Locate Taxpayer
English LP68 We released the notice of levy sent to you regarding the taxpayer named in the notice. Levy
English CP71 You received this notice to remind you of the amount you owe in tax, penalty and interest. Balance Due
English CP71A You received this notice to remind you of the amount you owe in tax, penalty and interest. Balance Due
English CP71C You received this notice to remind you of the amount you owe in tax, penalty and interest. Balance Due
English CP71D You received this notice to remind you of the amount you owe in tax, penalty and interest. Balance Due
English CP71H You received this notice to remind you of the amount you owe in tax, penalty and interest. Balance Due
English CP72 You may have claimed a frivolous position on your tax return. A frivolous return is identified when some information on the return has no basis in the law. Frivolous Return
English LT73 Your federal employment tax is still not paid. We issued a notice levy to collect your unpaid taxes. Employment Tax
English CP74 You are recertified for EITC. You don’t have to fill out Form 8862, Information To Claim Earned Income Credit After Disallowance, in the future. You’ll receive your EIC refund within 6 weeks as long as you don’t owe other tax or debts we’re required to collect. EIC
English CP75 We’re auditing your tax return and we need documentation to verify the Earned Income Credit (EIC) that you claimed. The EIC and/or the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC) portions of your refund are being held pending the results of this audit. If you claimed the Premium Tax Credit (PTC), that portion of your refund is also being held. EIC
English LT75 Your federal tax is unpaid. We asked you to pay the tax, but haven’t received your payment. We issued a notice of levy to collect your unpaid taxes. Levy
English CP75A We’re auditing your tax return and need documentation to verify the Earned Income Credit (EIC), dependent exemption(s) and filing status you claimed. EIC
English CP75C You were banned from claiming the Earned Income Credit (EIC) in a prior tax year due to your intentional disregard of the rules or a fraudulent claim. Since your ban is still in effect, we disallowed the EIC for your current tax year. EIC
English CP75D We’re auditing your tax return and we need documentation to verify the income and withholding you reported on your tax return. This may affect your eligibility for the Earned Income Credit (EIC), dependent exemption(s) and other refundable credits that you claimed. We are holding your refund pending the results of the audit. EIC
English CP76 We are allowing your Earned Income Credit as claimed on your tax return. You will receive any expected refund in 8 weeks provided you owe no other taxes or legal debts we are required to collect. EIC
English CP77 We are notifying you of our intent to levy certain assets for unpaid taxes. You have the right to a Collection Due Process hearing. Levy
English CP79 We denied the Earned Income Credit (EIC) you claimed on your individual income tax return. You won’t receive EIC with a qualifying child or children in the future until you prove your eligibility to receive it. EIC
English CP79A We denied all or part of the Earned Income Credit (EIC) you claimed on your individual income tax return. We determined you recklessly or intentionally disregarded the EIC rules and regulations. For this reason, the law does not allow you to claim the EIC for the next 2 years. EIC
English CP79B We denied all or part of the Earned Income Credit (EIC) you claimed on your individual income tax return. We determined you made a fraudulent EIC claim. For this reason, the law does not allow you to claim the EIC for the next 10 years. EIC
English CP80 We credited payments and/or other credits to your tax account for the tax period shown on your notice. However, we haven’t received your tax return. Filing
English CP81 We haven’t received your tax return for a specific tax year. The statute of limitations to claim a refund of your credit or payment for that tax year is about to expire. Filing
English CP87A We sent you this notice because we received a tax return from another taxpayer claiming a dependent or qualifying child with the same social security number as a dependent or qualifying child listed on your tax return. The last four digits of the social security number for each dependent or qualifying child we’re concerned about is shown on the notice for your review. Duplicate TIN
English CP87B We sent you this notice because you claimed an exemption for yourself and someone else also claimed you as a dependent exemption for the same tax year on another tax return. You can’t claim an exemption for yourself if someone else is entitled to take an exemption for you as his or her dependent. Duplicate TIN
English CP87C We sent you this notice because you claimed a dependent on your tax return with reported gross income for more than the amount of the exemption deduction. Someone else also claimed this dependent with the same social security number on another tax return. You can’t claim someone whose gross income exceeds the deduction amount for a dependent exemption unless that person is permanently and totally disabled at some time during the tax year and his or her income is from services performed at a sheltered workshop. Duplicate TIN
English CP87D We sent you this notice because our records show you claimed someone as a dependent on your tax return who also filed a tax return with his or her spouse. Generally, you can’t claim someone as a dependent who files a married filing joint tax return. In addition, someone who files a joint tax return usually doesn’t fit the definition of a “qualifying child” for the earned income credit. Duplicate TIN
English CP88 We are holding your refund because you have not filed one or more tax returns and we believe you will owe tax. Filing
English CP90 We are notifying you of our intent to levy certain assets for unpaid taxes. You have the right to a Collection Due Process hearing. Levy
English CP90C We levied your assets for unpaid taxes. You have the right to a Collection Due Process hearing. Levy
English CP91 We are notifying you of our intent to levy up to 15% of your social security benefits for unpaid taxes. Levy
English CP92 We levied your state tax refund for unpaid taxes. You have the right to a Collection Due Process hearing. Levy
English CP94 This notice is to inform you that a restitution-based assessment was made under Internal Revenue Code Section 6201(a)(4) in accordance with the court’s restitution order. The amount due is based on the amount of restitution you were ordered to pay, as well as any other penalties and interest reflected on the billing summary. Levy
English CP301 We sent you this notice to inform that you visited IRS online services website and went through Identity Verification process. Identity Theft
English CP501 You have a balance due (money you owe the IRS) on one of your tax accounts. Balance Due
English CP501H You have a balance due (money you owe the IRS) on your shared responsibility payment account. ACA
English CP503 We have not heard from you and you still have an unpaid balance on one of your tax accounts. Balance Due
English CP503H You still have an unpaid balance on your shared responsibility payment account. ACA
English CP504 You have an unpaid amount due on your account. If you do not pay the amount due immediately, the IRS will seize (levy) your state income tax refund and apply it to pay the amount you owe. Levy
English CP515I This is a reminder notice that we still have no record that you filed your prior tax return or returns. Filing
English CP516 This is a reminder notice that we still have no record that you filed your prior tax return or returns. Filing
English CP518I This is a final reminder notice that we still have no record that you filed your prior tax return(s). Filing
English CP521 This notice is to remind you that you have an IRS installment agreement payment due. Please send your payment immediately. Installment Agreement
English CP523 This notice informs you of our intent to terminate your installment agreement and seize (levy) your assets. You have defaulted on your agreement. Levy
English CP523H This notice informs you of our intent to terminate your installment agreement. ACA
English CP547 We received your Form 2848, 8821, or 706, and we assigned you a Centralized Authorization File (CAF) number. CAF
English CP560A Important Information about your child’s Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN). We assigned your child an ATIN. Adoption TIN
English CP560B Important Information about your child’s Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN). We approved your request for a one-year extension. Adoption TIN
English CP561A Important Information about your child’s Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN). Your child’s ATIN expires in 3 months. Adoption TIN
English CP561B Important Information about your child’s Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN). The extension for your child’s ATIN expires in 3 months. Adoption TIN
English CP561C Important Information about your child’s Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN). Your child’s ATIN expired. Adoption TIN
English CP562A Important Information about your Form W-7A, Application for Taxpayer Identification Number for Pending U.S. Adoptions. Your application was incomplete and we need more information to process your request for an ATIN. Adoption TIN
English CP562C Important Information about your child’s Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN). We need more information to process your one year extension request of your child’s ATIN. Adoption TIN
English CP563 We reviewed your Form W-7A, Application for Taxpayer Identification Number for Pending U.S. Adoptions, and we need additional information in order to process it. Adoption TIN
English CP565 We gave you an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). ITIN
English CP566 We need more information to process your application for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). You may have sent us an incomplete form. You may have sent us the wrong documents. ITIN
English CP567 We rejected your application for an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). You may not be eligible for an ITIN. Your documents may be invalid. We may not have received a reply when we asked for more information. ITIN
English CP2000 The income and/or payment information we have on file doesn’t match the information you reported on your tax return. This could affect your tax return; it may cause an increase or decrease in your tax, or may not change it at all. Underreporter
English CP2005 We accepted the information you sent us. We’re not going to change your tax return. We’ve closed our review of it. Underreporter
English CP2006 We received your information. We’ll look at it and let you know what we’re going to do. Underreporter
English CP2057 You need to file an amended return. We’ve received information not reported on your tax return. Underreporter
English CP2501 You need to contact us. We’ve received information not reported on your tax return. Underreporter
English CP2566 We didn’t receive your tax return. We have calculated your tax, penalty and interest based on wages and other income reported to us by employers, financial institutions and others. ASFR
English CP2566R We previously sent you a CP63 notice informing you we are holding your refund until we receive one or more unfiled tax returns. Because we received no reply to our previous notice, we have calculated your tax, penalty and interest based on wages and other income reported to us by employers, financial institutions and others. ASFR
English CP3219A We’ve received information that is different from what you reported on your tax return. This may result in an increase or decrease in your tax. The notice explains how the amount was calculated and how you can challenge it in U.S. Tax Court. Deficiency Notice
English CP3219N We didn’t receive your tax return. We have calculated your tax, penalty and interest based on wages and other income reported to us by employers, financial institutions and others. Deficiency Notice
English Letter 0012C Requesting information to reconcile Advance Payments of the Premium Tax Credit General
English Letter 0484C Collection Information Statement Requested (Form 433F/433D); Inability to Pay/Transfer General
English Letter 0549C Balance Due on Account is Paid General
English Letter 0681C Proposal to Pay Accepted General
English Letter 0757C Installment Privilege Terminated General
English Letter 1961C Installment Agreement for Direct Debit 433-G General
English Letter 1962C Installment Agreement Reply to Taxpayer General
English Letter 2257C Balance Due Total to Taxpayer General
English Letter 2271C Installment Agreement for Direct Debit Revisions General
English Letter 2272C Installment Agreement Cannot be Considered General
English Letter 2273C Installment Agreement Accepted: Terms Explained General
English Letter 2357C Abatement of Penalties and Interest General
English Letter 2603C Installment Agreement Accepted – Notice of Federal Tax Lien Will be Filed General
English Letter 2604C Pre-assessed Installment Agreement General
English Letter 2761C Request for Combat Zone Service Dates General
English Letter 2789C Taxpayer Response to Reminder of Balance Due General
English Letter 2800C Incorrect Form W-4, Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate General
English Letter 2801C Exempt Status May not be Allowed General
English Letter 2802C Your withholding doesn’t comply with IRS guidelines General
English Letter 2840C CC IAPND Installment Agreement Confirmation General
English Letter 3030C Balance Due Explained:Tax/Interest Not Paid General
English Letter 3127C Revision to Installment Agreement General
English Letter 3217C Installment Agreement Accepted: Terms Explained General
English Letter 4281-A Letter used for the Get Transcript incident to notify individuals whose SSNs were used to successfully access transcripts. General
English Letter 4281-B Letter used for the Get Transcript incident to notify individuals who had their SSN used unsuccessfully to obtain a transcript. General
English Letter 4281-C Letter used to notify potentially impacted individuals of an IRS data loss/inadvertent disclosure. General
English Letter 4281-E Letter used for the Get Transcript incident to notify the primary taxpayer on a tax return that the access may have included the social security numbers of others listed on the tax return and included language for protecting minors (under the age of 18). General
English Letter 4281-F Letter used for the Get Transcript incident to notify individuals who were indirectly related to the Get Transcript account (for example, spouse, alimony spouse, child care provider, dependent over the age of 18, etc.). General
English Letter 4281-G Letter used for the Get Transcript incident to notify individuals whose SSNs were used to successfully access transcripts and included language for protecting minors (under the age of 18). General
English Letter 4458C We wrote to you because we didn’t receive your monthly installment payment. General
English Letter 4883C We received your federal income tax return; however, we need more information from you to process it. General
English Letter 5071C We received your federal income tax return; however, we need more information from you to process it. Identity Theft
English Letter 5591 Advanced Premium Tax Credit recipients with no indication of return filing (non-filers) letter. General
English Letter 5591A Advanced Premium Tax Credit recipients with no indication of return filing (non-filers) letter. General
English Letter 5596 Advanced Premium Tax Credit recipients with no indication of return filing (non-filers) letter. General
English Letter 5598 You filed your 2014 federal tax return without reconciling advance premium tax credits and attaching a Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit. General
English Letter 5599 You filed your 2014 federal tax return without reconciling advance premium tax credits and attaching a Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit. General
English Letter 5600C You may have reported owing too much Health Care Shared Responsibility Payment (SRP) on your 2014 income tax return. General
English Letter 5821 You must renew your Individual Taxpayer Identification number (ITIN) to file your U.S. tax return. General
English Letter 5858 We received a copy of Form 1095-A for 2015. You must file your 2015 federal tax return with a Form 8962 to reconcile advanced premium tax credits. General
English Letter 5862 We received a copy of Form 1095-A for 2015. You must file your 2015 federal tax return with a Form 8962 to reconcile advanced premium tax credits. General