--------------------------------------------------------------- TaxAct 2016 Professional- 1040 Edition --------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to TaxAct 2016 Professional - 1040 Edition. --------------------------------------------------------------- Contents --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Tips and Suggestions * Minimum System Requirements 2. Other Available TaxAct products * TaxAct 2016 Professional - State Editions * TaxAct 2016 Professional - 990 Edition * TaxAct 2016 Professional - 1041 Edition * TaxAct 2016 Professional - 1065 Edition * TaxAct 2016 Professional - 1120 Edition * TaxAct 2016 Professional - 1120S Edition 3. Electronic Filing with TaxAct --------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Tips and Suggestions --------------------------------------------------------------- Minimum System Requirements --------------------------------------------------------------- In order to install and run TaxAct 2016, your system must meet the following system requirements: - Operating System: Windows 7, Windows 8 or 8.1, and Windows 10 (Macintosh not available) - Web Browser: Internet Explorer 10 or higher - Processor: Intel Pentium 4 or later, AMD Athlon 64 or later - RAM: Refer to your Operating System Requirements - Hard Drive Space: 100 MB - Internet Access: Required for all users to authenticate during sign in to software (per IRS requirement) - Monitor: 1024x768 or higher (16-bit color minimum) - Mouse: Required - Printer: Required for Paper Filing --------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Other Available TaxAct Products --------------------------------------------------------------- Please visit http://www.taxactprofessional.com for details. --------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Electronic Filing with TaxAct --------------------------------------------------------------- With TaxAct 2016, you can e-file your clients' returns quickly and easily. All you need to do is have a valid EFIN (Electronic Filing Identification Number) from the IRS. To obtain an EFIN from the IRS, you must complete the Application to Participate in the IRS e-file Program, Form 8633. This form can be found at the IRS web site, http://www.irs.gov.