This mode is used to edit HTML. It has commands that are used to insert frequently used tags. If you edit HTML often, you will want to add more commands to this mode.
If you are learning to use this mode, you might consider printing this
page for easy reference.
Go back to
all mode descriptions.
Command Name | Description |
start heading | Types <hN>, where N is provided as an integer utterance argument. |
finish heading | Types </hN>, where N is provided as an integer utterance argument. |
insert break | Types <br>. |
insert non breaking space | Types . |
start code | Types <code>. |
finish code | Types </code>. |
start table | Types <table>. |
finish table | Types </table>. |
start table head | Types <thead>. |
finish table head | Types </thead>. |
start table body | Types <tbody>. |
finish table body | Types </tbody>. |
start table row | Types <tr>. |
finish table row | Types </tr>. |
start table head cell | Types <th>. |
finish table head cell | Types </th>. |
start table cell | Types <td>. |
finish table cell | Types </td>. |
insert anchor | Types <a href=""></a>. |
insert image | Types <img>. |
start division | Types <div>. |
finish division | Types </div>. |
start paragraph | Types <p>. |
finish paragraph | Types </p>. |
start preformat | Types <pre>. |
finish preformat | Types </pre>. |
start span | Types <span class="">. |
finish span | Types </span>. |
start variable | Types <var>. |
finish variable | Types </var>. |
start list | Types <ul>. |
finish list | Types </ul>. |
start ordered list | Types <ol>. |
finish ordered list | Types </ol>. |
start list item | Types <li>. |
finish list item | Types </li>. |
start bold | Types <b>. |
finish bold | Types </b>. |
start emphasis | Types <em>. |
finish emphasis | Types </em>. |
start comment | Types <!--. |
finish comment | Types -->. |