Utterly Voice Mode: notepad plus plus

Mode for the Notepad++ application. This is an excellent application for editing Utterly Voice settings files and other code files. If you use this application often, you should add commands you use frequently for the mode. See the Notepad++ site and keyboard shortcuts.

If you are learning to use this mode, you might consider printing this page for easy reference.
Go back to all mode descriptions.

Command Name Description
file menu Go to the file menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
edit menu Go to the edit menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
search menu Go to the search menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
view menu Go to the view menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
encoding menu Go to the encoding menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
language menu Go to the language menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
settings menu Go to the settings menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
tools menu Go to the tools menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
macro menu Go to the macro menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
run menu Go to the run menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
plugins menu Go to the plugins menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
window menu Go to the window menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
help menu Go to the help menu. Use the direction commands ("go up/down"), "enter", and "escape" to navigate the menu.
open file Opens a file.
save file Saves a file.
go right file Opens the next file tab. Accepts an optional number of times to execute the command.
go left file Opens the previous file tab. Accepts an optional number of times to execute the command.
close file Closes current file.
copy Types control-c to copy content to clipboard.
cut Types control-x to cut content to the clipboard.
paste Types control-v to paste content.