Utterly Voice Mode: global

The global mode is always active unless an exclusive mode is active.

If you are learning to use this mode, you might consider printing this page for easy reference.
Go back to all mode descriptions.

Command Name Description
quit utterly voice Quits the utterly voice application.
activate Toggles a mode on. The utterance arguments are the name of the mode.
deactivate Toggles a mode off. The utterance arguments are the name of the mode.
open help Opens the help window. With no utterance argument, all modes are described. If optional utterance arguments are provided, it should be the name of a mode, and all commands for that mode are described.
open setup Opens the setup window.
stop listening Turns the microphone off. The microphone cannot be turned back on by voice; you must click the microphone button in the user interface or press the space key while the button has focus.
pause listening Pauses the microphone. Activates the pause mode. Say "resume listening" to unpause the microphone.
reload settings Reloads number and mode settings files. This is useful to quickly test changes to these settings files. Be sure to save settings files before using this command. If any of these files have errors, the error will be displayed and none of the files are reloaded.