Utterly Voice Mode: chrome

Chrome mode is used while browsing with Chromium-based browsers: Google Chrome, Brave, Microsoft Edge, etc. See the keyboard shortcuts.

If you are learning to use this mode, you might consider printing this page for easy reference.
Go back to all mode descriptions.

Command Name Description
reload page Reloads the current page.
open new tab Opens a new tab.
close tab Closes the current tab.
go right tab Jumps one or more tabs to the right. The optional utterance argument is the number of tabs. If no utterance argument is supplied, it jumps one.
go left tab Jumps one or more tabs to the left. The optional utterance argument is the number of tabs. If no utterance argument is supplied, it jumps one.
go to final tab Opens the final tab.
go to tab Jumps to a specific tab. The required utterance argument is the tab number (1-8).
move right tab Move current tab one or more tabs to the right. The optional utterance argument is the number of tabs. If no utterance argument is supplied, it moves one.
move left tab Move current tab one or more tabs to the left. The optional utterance argument is the number of tabs. If no utterance argument is supplied, it moves one.
go back Navigates back.
go forward Navigates forward.
open menu Opens the option menu.
open history Opens the history.
open find Opens the find pop-up.
next find Goes forward one found item.
prior find Goes backward one found item.
go to address Moves focus to the address bar.
save bookmark Bookmarks the current page.
go to bar Moves focus to the first item in the bookmarks bar.
duplicate tab Duplicates the current tab to a new tab.
show links Types the keyboard shortcut for Vimium to show clickable the links on the page. Presses "f20" then initiates the "browser navigate" exclusive mode.
show force links Types escape, then the keyboard shortcut for Vimium to show clickable links on the page. This is useful when the text cursor is in an editable text field, because typing escape removes the editable text focus. Initiates the "browser navigate" exclusive mode.
show new links Types keyboard shortcut for Vimium to show clickable links on the page. Selecting a link will open it when a new tab. Presses "f21" then initiates the "browser navigate" exclusive mode.