Utterly Voice Mode: basic

The basic mode is active by default and is used for basic commands common to most programs and activities.

If you are learning to use this mode, you might consider printing this page for easy reference.
Go back to all mode descriptions.

Command Name Description
show Activates the "screen analyzer" exclusive mode to control the mouse. Once a label has been selected, a left click is performed at the label.
show double Activates the "screen analyzer" exclusive mode to control the mouse. Once a label has been selected, a left double click is performed at the label.
show middle Activates the "screen analyzer" exclusive mode to control the mouse. Once a label has been selected, a middle click is performed at the label.
show right Activates the "screen analyzer" exclusive mode to control the mouse. Once a label has been selected, a right click is performed at the label.
show hover Activates the "screen analyzer" exclusive mode to control the mouse. Once a label has been selected, the mouse is moved to the label.
show start drag Activates the "screen analyzer" exclusive mode to control the mouse. Once a label has been selected, the position for starting a drag is marked.
show finish drag Activates the "screen analyzer" exclusive mode to control the mouse. Once a label has been selected, the mouse is dragged from the previously marked location to the selected label location.
mouse grid Activates the "mouse grid" exclusive mode for mouse control.
mouse position Activates the "mouse pixels" exclusive mode to control the mouse.
mouse go up Moves the mouse up. The first utterance argument is the number of pixels to move.
mouse go down Moves the mouse down. The first utterance argument is the number of pixels to move.
mouse go left Moves the mouse left. The first utterance argument is the number of pixels to move.
mouse go right Moves the mouse right. The first utterance argument is the number of pixels to move.
mouse click Left clicks the mouse at its current position.
mouse double click Double left clicks the mouse at its current position.
mouse middle click Middle clicks the mouse at its current position.
mouse right click Right clicks the mouse at its current position.
mouse go to Moves the mouse to the provided position coordinates. The first utterance argument is the x pixel position. The second utterance argument is ignored. This argument is only needed to improve recognition of a sequence of two numbers. The third utterance argument is the y pixel position. For example: "mouse go to five hundred other five hundred". If you frequently click the same location of the screen for certain actions, you may find it useful to create variations of this command that provide x and y coordinates as fixed arguments.
hold mouse Holds the mouse left button down.
release mouse Releases the mouse left button from being held down.
tab Presses the tab key one or more times. The optional utterance argument is the number of times the key should be pressed. If the argument is not provided, the key is pressed once.
tab back Presses the shift-tab key one or more times. The optional utterance argument is the number of times the key should be pressed. If the argument is not provided, the key is pressed once.
backspace Presses the backspace key one or more times. The optional utterance argument is the number of times the key should be pressed. If the argument is not provided, the key is pressed once.
delete Presses the delete key one or more times. The optional utterance argument is the number of times the key should be pressed. If the argument is not provided, the key is pressed once.
go up Presses the up key one or more times. The optional utterance argument is the number of times the key should be pressed. If the argument is not provided, the key is pressed once.
go down Presses the down key one or more times. The optional utterance argument is the number of times the key should be pressed. If the argument is not provided, the key is pressed once.
go donate Presses the down key 8 times. This command exists to handle inaccurate recognition of "go down eight".
go left Presses the left key one or more times. The optional utterance argument is the number of times the key should be pressed. If the argument is not provided, the key is pressed once.
go downtown This command executes when the recognizer hears "go downtown" when you say "go down ten".
go up button This command executes when the recognizer hears "go up button" when you say "go up ten".
go right Presses the right key one or more times. The optional utterance argument is the number of times the key should be pressed. If the argument is not provided, the key is pressed once.
page up Presses the pageup key one or more times. The optional utterance argument is the number of times the key should be pressed. If the argument is not provided, the key is pressed once.
page down Presses the pagedown key one or more times. The optional utterance argument is the number of times the key should be pressed. If the argument is not provided, the key is pressed once.
repeat space Presses the space key one or more times. The optional utterance argument is the number of times the key should be pressed. If the argument is not provided, the key is pressed once.
press escape Presses the escape key.
press f1 Presses the f1 key.
press f2 Presses the f2 key.
press f3 Presses the f3 key.
press f4 Presses the f4 key.
press f5 Presses the f5 key.
press f6 Presses the f6 key.
press f7 Presses the f7 key.
press f8 Presses the f8 key.
press f9 Presses the f9 key.
press f10 Presses the f10 key.
press f11 Presses the f11 key.
press f12 Presses the f12 key.
go home Presses the home key.
go end Presses the end key.
control home Presses the control-home keys.
control end Presses the control-end keys.
tilda Presses the ~ key.
back tick Presses the ` key.
exclamation mark Presses the ! key.
at sign Presses the @ key.
pound sign Presses the \# key.
dollar sign Presses the $ key.
percent sign Presses the % key.
power sign Presses the ^ key.
ampersand Presses the & key.
star Presses the * key.
open parentheses Presses the ( key.
close parentheses Presses the ) key.
underscore Presses the _ key.
hyphen Presses the - key.
plus sign Presses the + key.
equal sign Presses the = key.
open brace Presses the { key.
close brace Presses the } key.
open bracket Presses the [ key.
close bracket Presses the ] key.
pipe sign Presses the | key.
backslash Presses the \\ key.
colon Presses the : key.
semicolon Presses the ; key.
open quote Presses the " key, prefers space on the left.
close quote Presses the " key, prefers space on the right.
apostrophe Presses the ' key.
apostrophe s Types 's.
less than Presses the < key.
greater than Presses the > key.
comma Presses the , key.
period Presses the . key, prefers space on the right.
dot Presses the . key, prefers no space.
question mark Presses the ? key.
slash Presses the / key.
enter Presses the enter key. The key is held for 200 milliseconds, which is sometimes useful to get visual feedback from a user interface control responding to the keystroke.
space Presses the space key. The key is held for 200 milliseconds, which is sometimes useful to get visual feedback from a user interface control responding to the keystroke.
double space Presses the space key twice.
spacing on Turns auto-spacing on, which is the default. This automatically adds space between uttered words.
spacing off Turns auto-spacing off. This may be useful when entering alphanumeric data or coding.
utterance spacing on Turns auto-utterance-spacing on. This automatically adds space between utterances.
utterance spacing off Turns auto-utterance-spacing off, which is the default.
capitalization on Turns automatic capitalization provided by the recognizer on. Command names and arguments to commands are not capitalized.
capitalization off Turns automatic capitalization provided by the recognizer off, which is the default.
commands only on Enables the commands-only interpreter state. All normal typing will be ignored.
commands only off Disables the commands-only interpreter state. This is the default.
escape Use this command when you want type words without executing a command that may match the words. By default, the remainder of the utterance words are supplied as arguments, but you can say "stop" to complete the command and continue speaking without pause. For example, if you want to type the word "comma", rather than ",", say "escape comma". To type "escape", say "escape escape".
number Use this command to type a number with digits rather than words. The utterance words are processed as a single number argument. If "stop" is encountered in the utterance words, the command is completed and "stop" is ignored. If some other word is encountered that cannot be interpreted as a number, the command is completed and that word remains as an utterance argument for further processing.
telephone number Use this command to type a telephone number in the N-N-N format. The first utterance argument is the first number. The second utterance argument is "stop". The third utterance argument is the second number. The fourth utterance argument is "stop". The fifth utterance argument is the third number.
camel Use this command to type words in camelCase. By default, the remainder of the utterance words are supplied as arguments, but you can say "stop" to complete the command and continue speaking without pause.
bumpy Use this command to type words in BumpyCase. By default, the remainder of the utterance words are supplied as arguments, but you can say "stop" to complete the command and continue speaking without pause.
snake Use this command to type words in snake_case. If the first utterance argument is "upper", the words will be typed in uppercase: SNAKE_CASE. By default, the remainder of the utterance words are supplied as arguments, but you can say "stop" to complete the command and continue speaking without pause.
kebab Use this command to type words in kebab-case. If the first utterance argument is "upper", the words will be typed in uppercase: KEBAB-CASE. By default, the remainder of the utterance words are supplied as arguments, but you can say "stop" to complete the command and continue speaking without pause.
title Use this command to type words in Title Case. By default, the remainder of the utterance words are supplied as arguments, but you can say "stop" to complete the command and continue speaking without pause.
smash Use this command to smashwordstogether. If the first utterance argument is "upper", the words will be typed in uppercase: SMASHWORDSTOGETHER. By default, the remainder of the utterance words are supplied as arguments, but you can say "stop" to complete the command and continue speaking without pause.
all caps Use this command to TYPE IN ALL CAPS. By default, the remainder of the utterance words are supplied as arguments, but you can say "stop" to complete the command and continue speaking without pause.
upper Use this command to type a sequence of letters. The first letter of each utterance argument is typed. The letters are typed in uppercase, but you can say "lower" or "upper" while providing utterance arguments to change the case. For example: "upper athens bristol lower cuba dublin" -> "ABcd", "upper looks good to me" -> "LGTM". By default, the remainder of the utterance words are supplied as arguments, but you can say "stop" to complete the command and continue speaking without pause.
lower Use this command to type a sequence of letters. The first letter of each utterance argument is typed. The letters are typed in lowercase, but you can say "lower" or "upper" while providing utterance arguments to change the case. For example: "lower athens bristol upper cuba dublin" -> "abCD", "lower looks good to me" -> "lgtm". By default, the remainder of the utterance words are supplied as arguments, but you can say "stop" to complete the command and continue speaking without pause.
capital Use this command to capitalize a word. The single utterance argument is capitalized.
context Use this command to type a single word that is usually not recognized correctly unless additional context is provided. The first argument is a position within the remaining utterance arguments. The remaining arguments contain the word you want to type with additional context. For example, if you say "write" as a single word utterance, this will most often be recognized as "right". If you say "context one write a book", "write" will be typed. If you say "context two school principal", "principal" will be typed.
i Used to type "I".
i'm Used to type "I'm".
i'll Used to type "I'll".
i've Used to type "I've".
scroll up Scrolls the mouse up. The single utterance argument is the number of scroll ticks.
scroll down Scrolls the mouse down. The single utterance argument is the number of scroll ticks.
scroll left Scrolls the mouse left. The single utterance argument is the number of scroll ticks.
scroll right Scrolls the mouse right. The single utterance argument is the number of scroll ticks.
start scrolling Starts automatically scrolling down three ticks every N seconds, where N is provided as an optional utterance argument. If not provided, it will scroll every 5 seconds. If automatic scrolling is already active, you can use this command to change the seconds value. This is useful for casual browsing of long content, like social media.
stop scrolling Stops the automatic scrolling.
hold shift Holds the shift key down. This is useful for selecting text.
release shift Releases the shift key from being held down.
hold control Holds the control key down.
release control Releases the control key from being held down.
smiley face Types ":-)".
sad face Types ":-(".
winky face Types ";-)".