Utterly Voice Mode Descriptions

This help content contains mode information extracted from your settings files. This content is generated each time the application starts and reflects any customizations you have applied to your settings. You can open this page at any time by saying "open help". To open the help page for a particular mode, say "open help mode-name". For example, "open help basic". You can say "page down" and "page up" to browse the content. If you have properly installed the Vimium browser extension, you can say "show links" to click links on this page.

For overall help with using the application, see Utterly Voice Help.

Mode Name Description
advanced Advanced typing and editing commands. These commands are more difficult to memorize, but they are more efficient when writing and editing a lot of text. These command names are somewhat experimental, so they may change from release to release for improvement. Feel free to experiment with your own command names and share effective command names with the Google group.
basic The basic mode is active by default and is used for basic commands common to most programs and activities.
browser navigate This exclusive mode uses Vimium to show and select links on a web page. You must install this browser extension before using this command. The "navigate", "force navigate", and "new navigate" commands initiate this mode. Once the links are shown, you just need to say the number that corresponds to the link you want to click or say "cancel". When the cursor is in an editable text field, Vimium cannot receive the keyboard shortcut which initiates it. If the cursor is in an editable text field, use the "force navigate" command, which types the escape key before the keyboard shortcut. It is not always desirable to press the escape key, so there are two variations of this command, with and without the escape key press.
chrome Chrome mode is used while browsing with Chromium-based browsers: Google Chrome, Brave, Microsoft Edge, etc. See the keyboard shortcuts.
emacs Emacs mode provides commands for using the Emacs text editor. This editor is normally used to write and edit code, but you may find it as a useful editor for any type of text. Emacs has many features that make it ideal for voice text editing. It has a steep learning curve, but it is worth the time. Three particularly useful features are dired, shell buffer, and position marking. With dired, you can easily navigate folders and files on your computer. If you use the emacs shell, you can take advantage of all the text editing commands built into emacs. With position marking, you can easily select areas of text for copying, cutting, or moving. If you are an experienced Emacs user, you will likely want to edit and expand on these commands. See the basic keyboard shortcuts and dired keyboard shortcuts.
global The global mode is always active unless an exclusive mode is active.
gmail default This mode is used for Gmail. It uses the default Gmail keyboard shortcuts, which must be enabled first. Click "keyboard shortcuts on" in Gmail general settings. See the keyboard shortcuts.
gmail modified This mode is used for Gmail. This is used as an alternative to the "gmail default" mode. This modified mode uses custom keyboard shortcuts which are better than the default shortcuts at avoiding accidental commands. Before using this mode, you need to create custom keyboard shortcuts for Gmail. Click "keyboard shortcuts on" in Gmail general settings. Enable "custom keyboard shortcuts" in Gmail advanced settings. For every keyboard shortcut that starts with a letter, prefix the shortcut with "$". For example, the keyboard shortcut for archive is changed from "e" to "$e". Do not edit any of the keyboard shortcuts in the "Focus last mole" section. See the keyboard shortcuts.
go This mode is used to edit Go code.
google document This mode is used when editing and commenting Google Docs. See the keyboard shortcuts.
inkscape Commands for Inkscape keyboard shortcuts. See the keyboard shortcuts.
jargon Put jargon specific to your use cases here.
mouse grid The mouse grid mode is an exclusive mode. It is made active by the "mouse grid" command in the "basic" mode. It is used to move and click the mouse. When initiated, a numbered grid appears on the screen. You say one of the numbers, and the grid zooms in to the selected cell. The mouse position is placed at the middle of the grid. Continue this process until the mouse is where you want it. Then use the commands in this mode to click or cancel.
mouse pixels The mouse pixels mode is an exclusive mode. It is made active by the "mouse position" command in the "basic" mode. It is used to move and click the mouse. When initiated, numbered vertical lines appear on the screen. These numbers are the x pixel values of your display. You say one of these numbers, or any estimated number between them. The mouse x positioned is placed according to your uttered number. Numbered horizontal lines replace the vertical lines on the screen. These numbers are the y pixel values of your display. You say a number, similar to how you selected the x pixel value. The mouse is now positioned to your selected coordinates. You can continue revising the position, or use the commands in this mode to click or cancel.
screen analyzer The screen analyzer mode is an exclusive mode. It is made active by the "show, "show double, "show middle, etc. commands in the "basic" mode. It is used to move and click the mouse. When initiated, many labels appear on the screen. When you say a label value, the mouse action associated with the "basic" mode command that initiated this mode is executed. To cancel, say "cancel".
notepad plus plus Mode for the Notepad++ application. This is an excellent application for editing Utterly Voice settings files and other code files. If you use this application often, you should add commands you use frequently for the mode. See the Notepad++ site and keyboard shortcuts.
notepad Commands for the Windows Notepad application. NOTE: If you are using Windows 11, there is a new version of Notepad that has some bugs that interfere with voice dictation, so you may want to choose a different editor.
pause This exclusive mode is initiated by the "pause listening" command. It ignores all utterances except for "resume listening".
talon Use this mode if you are familiar with Talon and would like to use its alphabet when typing numbers and letters.
vector graphics This mode is used to edit SVG. It has commands that are used to insert frequently used tags. If you edit SVG often, you will want to add more commands to this mode. See the Mozilla SVG introduction.
web code This mode is used to edit HTML. It has commands that are used to insert frequently used tags. If you edit HTML often, you will want to add more commands to this mode.
window selection The windows mode is an exclusive mode. It is made active by the "list windows" command in the "windows" mode. It is used to select a window.
windows Windows keyboard shortcuts.