Public myResult As Long Private Sub Application_ItemSend(ByVal Item As Object, Cancel As Boolean) On Error GoTo errhandler Dim recips As Outlook.Recipients Dim recip As Outlook.Recipient Dim pa As Outlook.PropertyAccessor Const PR_SMTP_ADDRESS As String = "" Set recips = Item.Recipients Dim myMailToSend As MailItem Dim regx As Object Dim s As String Dim bod As String Dim strMsg As String Dim nResponse As String Dim atch As String Dim attc As String Dim atchCount As Long myResult = 0 '===================================================================================== 'First let's see if the email is going to someone outside of the IRS. If going only to, exit the sub & send the email. For Each recip In recips Set pa = recip.PropertyAccessor If InStr(LCase(pa.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)), "") = 0 Then Else Exit Sub End If Next '===================================================================================== 'Now that we know the email is going outside the IRS, make sure the body doesn't contain a TIN Const sPat As String = "\b\d{3}[\W]\d{2}[\W]\d{4}|\b\d{9}$|\b\d{2}[\W]\d{7}|\b\d{16}|\b\d{4}[\W]\d{4}[\W]\d{4}[\W]\d{4}" 'Old string without CC numbers was: "\b\d{3}[\D]\d{2}[\D]\d{4}\b|\b\d{9}|\b\d{2}[\D]\d{7}\b" Set myMailToSend = Item Set regx = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp") regx.Pattern = sPat s = myMailToSend.Body & " " & myMailToSend.Subject If regx.test(s) = True Then strMsg = "The message appears to contain PII " & _ "Do you want to encrypt it?" nResponse = MsgBox(strMsg, vbExclamation + vbYesNo, _ "Check Sensitive Information") If nResponse = vbYes Then myResult = 1 GoTo FoundUnsecured Else End If End If '===================================================================================== 'And, now we check for attachments If Item.Attachments.Count = 0 Then 'cool, no attachments Else 'make sure the attachment is secure For atchCount = 1 To myMailToSend.Attachments.Count 'Make sure the attachment is not one you already secured. All the secured files will be named "protectedfiles" attc = myMailToSend.Attachments.Item(atchCount).DisplayName '= "" Then Exit Sub ' or .Filename If Not attc = "" Then strMsg = "The message has attachments that have not been checked for PII. " & _ "Do you want to encrypt them before sending?" nResponse = MsgBox(strMsg, vbExclamation + vbYesNo, _ "Check Sensitive Information") If nResponse = vbYes Then myResult = myResult + 1 GoTo FoundUnsecured Else End If End If Next atchCount End If FoundUnsecured: If myResult = 0 Then Cancel = False Exit Sub Else CheckExchangeStatus End If ''===================================================================================== 'Ready to send? strMsg = "The message has been encrypted. " & _ "A text file has been created to store the password in your documents folder " & _ "The file name is the 'person you sent to, date and time'." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Send the message now?" nResponse = MsgBox(strMsg, vbExclamation + vbYesNo, _ "Check Sensitive Information") If nResponse = vbYes Then Cancel = False Else Cancel = True End If Exit Sub errhandler: MsgBox "Encountered an error (#" & Err.Number & ", " & Err.Description & "). Exiting back to message" Cancel = True End Sub