Draek, I am highly disappointed in Manta’s service. From the flyer you sent me, I saw “Manta gets you on 100+ major directories”. The problem I have is that in the first month, I have been put on ~40 directories and those are not “major” by any reasonable standard. For my “100 listings” I have 60 directories listed. Of those 60, only 67% are even completed. That’s 40% of what the advertisement said. 20% is to GPS services. 23% are to vehicle manufacturers. 33% are to either foreign directories, or directories I’ve never even heard of (“Judy’s Book”!?). 1 is to a Chinese technology company. 1 is to a Chinese mobile search engine company . 1 shows fake reviews, including a couple 1-star reviews and reviews for a company in a similar industry. 1 is to Manta, which I put up initially to get all this. And Manta charges $99 per month to maintain this? Thanks, but no thanks. Lastly, I know this isn’t you personally and I apologize for what looks like a personal attack, but you are the only contact I have with Manta. I have found you to be very friendly and professional in our conversations. Please advise what I need to do to cancel this account and whether it is possible to get a refund of the initial payment. Thank you, David